Because of reasons, I have this Lotus Notes mailbox and occasionally I receive a whole bunch of documents through some automated process. I was hoping to use a mail processing rule to strip the attachments as mail file size is very much still limited in this environment. Unfortunately there is no, or at least I could not find any, mail rule action to save attachments. Fortunately you can always craft an Agent in either LotusScript or Java to do pretty much whatever you want.
I opted for a very simple and slightly more generic solution and created an Agent which triggers via an “Action menu selection” with “All selected documents” as target. It pops up a file dialog so you can pick a folder, then saves all attachments from all emails you selected. All code is obviously taken from other people, all of whom solved parts of this before I did, I just put the parts together, rearranged it a bit,
Not very clean, it passes a space character as filename which is then subsequently ignored in the ExtractFile method apparently. Tested in Lotus Notes 9 Social Edition on Ubuntu 14.04, YMMV.