My solution for integrating an iPython notebook in Jekyll. It uses an iframe around an nbviewer page referring to a github gist.

The CSS to make the iframe resize nicely was stolen from Michael Lancaster and I add an inline style in the outer div tag to set the height. It would be nice to have that automatically, but as far as I can tell that’s not possible without some javascript voodoo I prefer to avoid.

The workflow thus becomes:

  • Save iPython notebook as .ipynb
  • Copy contents into a Github gist
  • Add iframe with nbviewer page to jekyll post
  • Profit!

Well, the only drawback being hosts their notebookviewer with fastly / rackspace and does not supply a valid certificate. So either you view this site over http, no problem. Otherwise you have to acknowledge the insecure content from the iframe. If I make the link to the notebook https you will always get a certificate error. Bummer. However I prefer the output over nbconvert to markdown (not so pretty), html (bulky js / external files), or pdf. Minor annoyance but perhaps I shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

<div class="fluidMedia" style="height: 1500px;">
    <iframe src="" frameborder="0" > </iframe>

If you don’t see a notebook here, please enable mixed content in your browser.